
Showing posts from October, 2024

Insects - Insetos

 Butterflies and Moths Mariposa, 2023  Heraclides thoas brasiliensis, 2019 Borboleta Amarela, 2018 Borboleta Morpha Azu, 2017 Ascalapha odorata, 2017 Borboleta Junonia Evarete, 2015 Borboleta Ancyluris. 2015 Lasaia Agesilas, 2015 Borboleta Laranja, 2015 Mariposa Azul, 2010  Eryphanis Reevesii, 2010 Borboleta Heliconius Erato, 2010 Mariposa Folharal, 2010 Mariposa Amarela, 2009 Borboleta Morrom, 2009 Borboleta Morpha Azu, 2009 Borboleta, 2004 Other Insects Besouro, 2019 Harpaphe haydeniana, 2018 Libélula Azul, 2016 Jequitiranaboia ( Fulgora Laternaria) , 2012 Tarântula, 2010 Mamangava, 2011 Taturana Podália, 2011 Louva-a-Deus, 2010 Aranha Verde, 2009 Mosca Mutuca, 2010

Way - Caminho

  Love and compassion are paths where fear and hatred are stay behind. Photo 30 X 30 cm Only get lost on the way, those who give up on taking the next step. Photo.  66 X 95 cm If in the calm of step by step there is meaning in the stones, the stumbling will be somewhere else. Photo, 2018 I belong to the routes, and them to united of life's path Photo. 2020

La Cuisine - Cucina

Untitled (Sweet Potato). 2024  Photography 59,4 X 42 cm Untitled ( The peel turn butterfly tie, when I fold the banana four into one). 2021  Photography 59,4 X 42 cm Untitled (Kiwi Smile). 2021  Photography 59,4 X 42 cm Untitled (Strawberries Bumbie). 2019. Photography 59,4 X 42 cm Untitled (Penguin Pear). 2019 Photography 42 X 59,4  cm Untitled (Carrot Walk) 2022. Photography. 59,4 X 42 cm Untitled (Chou de Cœur) 2018. Photography. 42 X 59 cm First Jobs Scream of the pumpkin  In the boot hides the turmeric rabbit. Flower in the corn  Mouse Sprinkle